Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Project GreenLiving!

Hi all,
   At times, I wonder if I'm doing justice to my blog name and purpose when I talk about recycling and reuse. So, I'm tempted to give an explanation without anyone having asked for it. This blog rests on two goals of mine - 

1. good health through largely natural means, home remedies and lifestyle changes
2. greener, eco-friendly living that contributes to the health of our earth and our environment and indirectly to us.

The first goal is a narrow one focusing on home. The second one is a larger one which encompasses the whole world and how I can contribute to the world.

   Having said that, I'll move on to the next idea I have in mind. The last few months have been really chaotic with the birth of my second child AM and I've kind of wavered from my goals and compromised for the sake of convenience at times. Yes, I used about 5 or 6 packs of diapers for AM and contributed to the landfill. After chiding ourselves over this lack of eco-consciousness, my hubby dear HD and I decided to go for cloth diapers. A few days back I came across a facebook group Re-use Sandhai (Here's my post on it). One lead to the other and I joined another group zerowastehome of the same Preethi Sukumaran and that set things rolling. With a renewed interest, I've decided to work on not only zero waste in my home but also zero toxins in my home. Having said that, it is not going to be easy because I live in an apartment. That will be the fun part of it. And I shall log all the changes that I'm make/decide to make/fail to implement  & the compromises that I make in the process. Let me call it "Project GreenLiving". Any updates or decision on Project GreenLiving will be posted here.

As a first step, I kept aside the remaining diapers and nappy pads of AM and put on the cloth diaper which we bought a few days back. I shall do a post on cloth diapers soon. I took out the cloth nappies. I decided to use the cloth nappies when AM is awake and the cloth diapers when he sleeps so that wetting it does not wake him up. 

Next in line is to set up a composting system for my plants so that  the organic waste can go into it.

Happy Green Living!

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