Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The six enemies of good health

Remember the six enemies of good health.
  1. Poor Diet
  2. Addiction to stimulants
  3. Mental Stress
  4. Pollution
  5. Impure drinking water
  6. Sedentary lifestyle
     If these enemies are encountered actively, and overpowered, then you're on the path to good health. 

Poor Diet: What can you do about it? Simple - Avoid all unhealthy food and eat healthy food only! Aaahaaa! Easier said that done. No change can be brought overnight. Set a timeline and make changes in baby steps. First start including good and healthy food in your diet. And slowly work towards eliminating junk food from your diet.

Addiction to stimulants: This is a more difficult demon to overpower. We shall see in future posts how to tackle these addictions.

Mental stress: Most of the lifestyle diseases that we come across today are largely attributed to mental stress. Do do doooooooo cut down on stress  by following relaxing techniques like meditation or yoga or listening to music. Stress is the greatest killer of recent times.

Pollution: Pollution in the environment cannot be totally avoided, particularly if we stay in an urban area. And it is not entirely in our hands to change it. If you have an option, move to an unpolluted area  or less polluted area. Make small changes by not contributing to the pollution. If we  cannot have a pollution-free environment, let us at least give our children a pollution-free environment.

Impure drinking water: Getting safe drinking water, again, especially in urban areas, has become a dream. We do get canned water, but it is not really pure. The safest drinking water would be filtered and boiled water. If your drinking water is far from safe and if you have an option, do make the decision to move out of the place to a better area. This is one of the most important decisions in your life. Or look for alternatives to get good drinking water.

Sedentary life style: Get active! Be on the move.!Exercise! Walk briskly! Or jog! Or Cycle! Or Cycle to work! Or swim! Or hit the gym! Or climb stairs! Or practise martial arts! Or do yoga! Or play with the neighbourhood children! Just don't sit there on the couch and vegetate! It also helps  to relieve stress!

So my dear readers! Remember these six enemies and beware of them!

Have an enemy-free day!


  1. Happy to discover your blog and these great tips! Always striving for a healthy balance and nutrition is so important. I would add "sleep" -- getting plenty of sleep (starting well before midnight, if possible :-)

    1. Thanks Kristin. I agree that a good night's sleep does wonders. Happy to see you on my blog.
